Cancer Comic Strip

My name is Suzan St Maur and I've had cancer twice. I find that humor helps me get through my cancer, and from what I understand it helps many others too. This blog is dedicated not to information about the disease, but to cancer warriors and their relatives/friends who just want some cheering chuckles. By all means share your funny stories and jokes with us - email them to suze @ (If you want to know more about me see my profile on here or

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Yes, we cancer warriors need to have some laughs

As many of my friends already know I have just been diagnosed with breast cancer (August 2005) a mere 2.5 years after being diagnosed with entirely unrelated bladder cancer. So now I'm juggling two lots of medical programs and treatment. It's lucky that the two specialist doctors concerned are good friends.

Anyway this is not a blog for bleating. It's a blog for cancer warriors who want to chill out, relax, get away from the technicalities and medical realities of cancer for once and just sit back and enjoy a few giggles.

People say laughter is the best medicine, and I believe that. I hope you do too. Let's laugh together and use the strength we gain from humor to show cancer the door.