Cancer Comic Strip

My name is Suzan St Maur and I've had cancer twice. I find that humor helps me get through my cancer, and from what I understand it helps many others too. This blog is dedicated not to information about the disease, but to cancer warriors and their relatives/friends who just want some cheering chuckles. By all means share your funny stories and jokes with us - email them to suze @ (If you want to know more about me see my profile on here or

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Melanoma alert: keep your bum out of the sun

A recent study conducted by the University of Edinburgh found that of all parts of your body, those which tan the most ineffectively are the buttocks.

"The findings, published in the journal Experimental Dermatology, show that the buttock is much more resistant to sunshine," says the University of Edinburgh press release. "But when it does go red it tans less well than other areas."

"The fact that different types of skin cancer tend to be found in different parts of the body has long puzzled scientists, given that they are all caused by exposure to sunshine," the release continues. "The team aimed to identify whether this is linked to variations in the way different parts of the body develop a tan."

So be warned; the next time you're tempted to moon at the sun, don't forget the high-factor sunblock...


  • At 9:36 AM , Blogger kaney said...

    Skin cancer is one of the most common of all cancers. Though melanoma is the least common kind of skin cancer, it is the most serious type of the disease. Melanoma happens in melanocytes, a sort of cell in the skin that creates the pigment that provides skin its natural color. Melanoma starts when melanocytes become malignant, which could take place on any skin surface.

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