Cancer Comic Strip

My name is Suzan St Maur and I've had cancer twice. I find that humor helps me get through my cancer, and from what I understand it helps many others too. This blog is dedicated not to information about the disease, but to cancer warriors and their relatives/friends who just want some cheering chuckles. By all means share your funny stories and jokes with us - email them to suze @ (If you want to know more about me see my profile on here or

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Cancer jokes: are they funny?

I've been doing the rounds of the internet looking to see what new jokes there are about the Beast and I have to say, I find some of them disappointing.

There's a big difference between having a good laugh about some of the things that happen to you when you have cancer and/or care for someone who does, and actually making fun of the disease itself.

There was one gag I thought was reasonably funny (and it appeared on several websites)...

Top 10 Ways to Know You are a Cancer Survivor

10. Your alarm clock goes off at 6 a.m. and you're glad to hear it.
9. Your mother-in-law invites you to lunch and you just say NO.
8. You're back in the family rotation to take out the garbage.
7. When you no longer have an urge to choke the person who says, "all you need to beat cancer is the right attitude."
6. When your dental floss runs out and you buy 1000 yards.
5. When you use your toothbrush to brush your teeth and not comb your hair.
4. You have a chance to buy additional life insurance but you buy a new convertible car instead.
3. Your doctor tells you to lose weight and do something about your cholesterol and you actually listen.
2. When your biggest annual celebration is again your birthday, and not the day you were diagnosed.
1. When you use your Visa card more than your hospital parking pass.

Here is a selection of sites with cancer jokes - click on the name to take a look:

Lawrence Wray

The Furry Monkey

Learning Place Online

Phoenix 5 (prostate)

Green Bananas Cancer Blog

...and so-on; today there are more than 9 million entries on Google when you search "cancer jokes." Seems it's the same couple of dozen that keep appearing though.

What do you think about these jokes? Please add your comments here - I'd love to know your views.



  • At 3:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    When it came time to tell my coworkers about my cancer diagnosis and upcoming treatments, I did not want them to feel uncomfortable talking to me about it, or inquiring about my health at any given time.
    I tried to insert humor into the situation and even asked them to send me any good cancer jokes they have run across. I did not receive any jokes from them but they were more at ease talking to me about it.
    I have come to the conclusion that repeating cancer jokes is similar to using the N word. Only the people with cancer can joke about it and it's uncomfortable and taboo for everyone else.


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